Certified in Production and Inventory Management [CPIM]

The Certified in Production and Inventory Management [CPIM] is a professional certification, provided by APICS since 1973, recognized globally as a standard in production and inventory management. So far there are more than 1,00,000 professionals who have achieved this designation to showcase their commitment to the profession. This certification enhances the professional value of the individual, increases the earning potential and provides a career advantage over peers. One can learn necessary terminologies, concepts and strategies related to various knowledge areas like procurement and supplier Planing, demand management, MRP, capacity requirements planning, sales and operations planning, master scheduling, performance measurements, supplier relationships, etc.

Fhyzics, an Authorized Channel Partner (ACP) of APICS, USA offers end-to-end support which includes membership, training, learning materials, weekly review sessions, application support, pre-examination review and examination credit.



Certification Benefits

KnowledgePossession of the CPIM designation endorses your technical and functional knowledge in Inventory and Production Management.

VisibilityYour commitment to the profession is recognised and visible across the supply chain community.

Career GrowthIncreases your professional value, hiring potential and credibility thereby ensuring a successful career in the field of production and inventory.

Improved PerformanceThe knowledge and skills acquired helps you to improve the job performance.

As a CPIM ProfessionalYou will know how to optimise inventory, increase productivity, systemize operations, improvise customer satisfaction, and increase profitability of the organization.

Certification Process

1. Check your eligibility with us
2. Discuss with the faculty to understand how to prepare and how it will be helpful in your career path
3. Enrol for the program
4. Receive Preparation Material
5. Prepare for the examination
6. Attend the one-to-one pre-exam review assessment
7. Appear in the examination
8. Get CPIM certified

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Warehouse Design

Problem Solving

Program Features

  • Preparation Support" data-mosaic-order-date="">

    Preparation Support

    Preparation Materials
    Pre-examination Readiness Assessment
  • Examination Process" data-mosaic-order-date="">

    Examination Process

    Application Support
    Examination Credit
  • Career Guidance" data-mosaic-order-date="">

    Career Guidance

    Resume Review
    Career Strategy Mapping
    Companies List
    Candidate Promotion


Supply Chain Management Aptitude Test (SCMAT) is a self-assessment tool to know your aptitude in SCM. Assess yourself in 30 minutes through 50 Multiple-Choice-Questions at your convenient time and location.

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SCM Recruitment Solution

IISCM offers India’s premier SCM Recruitment Solution known for its rigour and high-quality service. Most of our pre-screened and interviewed SCM Professionals hold CSCP or CPIM or CLTD certifications of APICS, USA.


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Click below to receive a detailed estimate for CSCP / CPIM Part-1 / CPIM Part-2 / CLTD Certifications of APICS, USA / SCM Executive Development Programs (EDPs) within one business day from our customer support team.

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CPIM Classroom Program Details

21-Feb-2020 [Friday]
22-Feb-2020 [Saturday]
23-Feb-2020 [Sunday]


Course Curriculum

  • CPIM Part-1
  • CPIM Part-2
Module-1: Basics of Supply Chain Management

The basic concepts in managing the complete flow of materials in a supply chain from suppliers to customers arecovered in the Basics module. This module covers manufacturing, distribution, service, and retail industries. Thisincludes the fundamental relationships in the design, planning, execution, monitoring, and control that occur.Knowledge of the material in this module is assumed as a prerequisite for the other APICS CPIM modules, which coversimilar topics in much greater depth. Topics include:
Section A: Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Section B: Demand Management
Section C: Master Planning
Section D: Material Requirements Planning
Section E: Capacity Management
Section F: Purchasing
Section G: Inventory Management
Section H: Execution and Control
Section I: Physical Distribution
Section J: Continuous Improvement

Certified in Production and Inventory Management

Explore and be able to apply the principles of demand management, sales and operations planning, masterscheduling, and distribution planning, and to identify conditions that require action. This module evaluates knowledgeof both supply and demand planning for mid- to long-term independent demand. Topics include:
Module-1: Strategic Management of Resources [SMR]
Section A: Developing a Business Strategy
Section B: Gathering and Analyzing Internal/External Information
Section C: Where Will We Compete?
Section D: How Will We Compete?
Section E: Sustainability and Strategy
Section F: Business Planning
Section G: Aligning the Operations Strategy
Section H: Infrastructure
Module 2: Master Planning of Resources (MPR)
Section A: Demand Management
Section B: Sales and Operations Planning
Section C: Master Scheduling
Section D: Distribution Planning
Module 3: Detailed Scheduling and Planning (DSP)
Section A: Inventory Management
Section B: Materials Requirement Planning
Section C: Managing Projects
Section D: Detailed Capacity Planning
Section E: Planning Procurement and External Sources of Supply
Module 4: Execution and Control of Operations (ECO)
Section A: Execution of Operations
Section B: Scheduling and Authorization
Section C: Quality, Communication and Continuous Improvement
Section D: Design Concepts and Trade-Offs