Whole Life Asset Management - L4M7
Purpose: On completion of this module, learners will be able to explain methods of inventory storage and control and analyse the concept of whole life cost from concept through to disposal.
Aim: Whole life costing takes into account the total cost of a product or service over its lifetime, from concept through to disposal including purchase, hire or lease, maintenance, operation, utilities, training and disposal. Hence, it is important for those involved in the procurement and supply function to take all these elements into consideration when making decisions and comparing the costs of buying, renting or leasing equipment. In most cases the purchase costs are a small proportion of the cost of operating it. Although costly, there are numerous reasons why organisations elect to hold inventory. The management and control of such inventory is therefore vital to organisational success. This module is designed for those who will have responsibility for the whole life management of assets and enables learners to analyse methods for inventory movement and control and to analyse the concept of whole life cost.
Session Dates
Summer Cohort 2020
To be announced
Winter Cohort 2020
To be announced
Exam Dates
You can appear for the L4M7 examination on one of the following dates. Please contact the Certifications Manager to book your examination. Candidates need to pay for the Examination Fee and Centre Fee.
About L4M7 Exam
Our CIPS, UK Approved Faculties can deliver Whole Life Asset Management – L4M7