The position of Supply Chain Analyst is of recent origin in India. Today we find most of the supply chain analyst positions in automotive companies, consulting firms and eCommerce companies. There are two types of supply chain analyst positions. First type, the supply chain analyst will be responsible for the end-to-end supply chain. Second type, the supply chain analyst will be assigned a specific area of the supply chain or a specific project is assigned to him or her.

So, what is the role of a supply chain analyst? This role is all about identifying the supply chain problems and recommending the right solution and to continuously improve the supply chain. Supply chain analyst is the one who transforms the current state of the supply chain into a desired future state. 

Though there are only handful of companies in India that are taking advantage of this position. Soon this position will be in great demand, because of supply chain modernisation. Many companies will be automating their supply chains with the advent of block chain, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Business Analytics and Machine Learning. This demands well qualified, experienced, trained and certified supply chain professionals.

How to become a supply chain analyst? I would strongly recommend that APICS Certifications such as CPIM, CSCP and CLTD for those want to become a supply chain analyst. Among these certifications my first preference is CSCP certification. One of the reason I recommend CSCP for the supply chain analysts over the other certifications is that CSCP provides an end-to-end supply chain knowledge which is of great help. Also supply chain analysts have to develop a good domain knowledge to be more effective in solving the supply chain problems. The last but not the least that these professionals should have good analytical thinking, problem solving, communication and interpersonal skills to succeed as a supply chain analyst.